If you order any of the main five (Coke, Diet Coke, D.P., Root Beer, Sprite) you are someone who knows what they want in life. You don't want fluff - only the facts. You probably like vanilla ice cream, all of your rooms are painted white and you have a neat hair-part on the side of your head.
If you add a flavor (cherry, chocolate, cranberry, etc.) You enjoy a little spice in your life... but, not too much. You probably have khaki walls.
Now if you cross the line and walk the wild side of slushees you have a predictable spontaneity about you. You enjoy living on the edge so long as you are anchored securely to the base. A brain-freeze now and then keeps you from losing it and 'sticking it to the man!'
If you order coffee from Sonic you probably need to join a 12 step program for addicts.
If you order a suicide, you need to move beyond the 1980's - the good old skating rink days are history. Stop tight rolling your jeans - Big hair is NOT in.
So, if you are one of the few that tells the little voice beyond the magic box to "throw a blended-up foot long chili dog in my cherry limeade," you are my kind of guy or gal. You know how to enjoy the finer things in life. You don't have walls.
really enjoyed this blog...it made me laugh out loud...hope no one was listening! now i want a sonic slushee.
What a great picture this is.
And, Christie just got back from a trip to Sam's. She stopped by Classic 50's Drive In (Local joint just like Sonic, but with better ice - It's true. Hard to believe I know).
What did she bring me? The Usual. Cherry Coke.
i like the dirty pinestraw diaper pic best
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My sweet boys and baby girl...what a great surprise to check in now and then to the blog and be surprised by the wonderful "lesson" my son-in-law shares and see this precious family's beautiful life in pictures...and without a call to tell me to "check the blog"....Love it all!!...I go way back every chance I get to view and read it often. Thanks for refreshing it so often. I love you all...NeNaw
wow!! that was really funny!! I have heard about the sonic personality profile and am finally reading it!! THE COFFEE IS ACTUALLY GOOD!!!
(the kids are too cute!!)
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