Friday, September 26, 2008

boys will be boys... girls will be girls

I have been threatened to be whipped with a wet noodle if I didn't get a blog up soon. So, here you go. I'm sitting in my living room tonight, listening to the presidential debate. I realize the importance of this election, and am well aware of the major differences between these two men. But with that said, so much of this is white noise in my head. I feel like this election has been going on since the mid 1970's. The truth is, I'd much rather be outside throwing the football with the boys or drinking tea out of a sippee cup with Lily. As a matter of fact I think I'd rather have my toenails pulled out than listen to another second of the political nonsense that fills our television stations every minute of the day.
The kids are having a lot of fun doing their 'thing' this fall. Isn't childhood innocence an amazing thing. They don't have a clue about the financial stress our country is going through. They could not care less that a presidential election is in front of them. I think one of the jobs of a parent is to bring them along at a safe pace. Dylan is playing flag football for the first time. He is playing tailback and is very fast - but, would rather play defense. Micah, is doing very well in soccer and just won Student of the Month in his class. Lily, well Lily continues to rule the roost and enjoys the boys waving palm branches and feeding her grapes. She loves to carry her purse and runs around with her toy cell phone. If we could just get her to use the toilet instead of play in the toilet we would really be going somewhere.


StephC said...

YEAH!!!!! You are the BEST picture taker of your family's memorable moments. Keep up the great work!!! We miss and love you all too.

The Brady's said...

I love the family portrait!! Great job!!

The Trest Family said...

love the new pictures! I'm getting inspired to update my own blog! YAY!