Friday, May 18, 2007

Robin Hood and Lily John

My neighbor Tommy is one of those guys that everyone on the planet wishes they had for a neighbor. He is the master chef, mighty hunter, yard-of-the-monther, and loves kids. Anyway, he dubs everyone he meets with a nickname- Mine is Padre, Shauna's - Warden, Dylan- Matt Dillon, Micah - Big Buddy, and tonight he christened Lily with - Lily John (apparently the name is still in flux until he really sees her personality). But, at this point it is simply a reference to our looks, which is nice considering I don't even look like Micah's neighbor. I must say that babies for the most part look like babies. If their eyes are shut in sleep... then they look like me. If they are open and awake... they look like Shauna. So, depending on what time of day you stumble across her will determine how you finish this sentence, "Oh, she looks just like _______!"

As she grows, however, I am seeing more and more of Shauna (for that she will be eternally grateful). She is precious. The boys have adjusted with flying colors. Laundry has multiplied exponentially. Now, if she will only sleep - life will be good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.